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Frequently Asked Questions

Magic Memory Enhancer

Magic Memory Enhancer

How do I help children study for exams?

Start to teach them mnemonics.

How do I help children study for exams?

Why does it take spaced repetition to make the brain retain the memory? Is there another way that it could be shortened and easier to retain?

The principle of spaced repetition is that it addresses the ‘forgetting curve’ which is the loss of information that you have just studied.

Why does it take spaced repetition to make the brain retain the memory? Is there another way that it could be shortened and easier to retain?

What is one way of reducing massive forgetting after immediate learning?

The ‘forgetting curve’ and what to do about it

What is one way of reducing massive forgetting after immediate learning?

How do I learn a chapter in 1 hour?
How do we cover three chapters in one day?
"What are some tips for effectively reviewing a chapter in a textbook?"

How to learn a chapter

How do I learn a chapter in 1 hour?
How do we cover three chapters in one day?
"What are some tips for effectively reviewing a chapter in a textbook?"

What are some tips on how to organize your study time?

Study for a period of between 20 and 40 minutes. You cannot concentrate for longer than this without a short break.

What are some tips on how to organize your study time?

How important is age as a factor in learning?

Not important at all

How important is age as a factor in learning?

How do I start memorizing things like in-class notes? I want to concentrate and learn so I can get my grades up.

Techniques you can practice immediately are The Journey, which is the easiest and most important mnemonic and Linking which is adding a linking story to the loci (place) in the Journey.

How do I start memorizing things like in-class notes? I want to concentrate and learn so I can get my grades up.

What are the most effective learning methodologies?

The 5 best techniques for learning is to take something you know and peg against it, something you want to know.

What are the most effective learning methodologies?

How does storytelling impact memory retention and learning?

Our brain loves stories so use the linking technique.

How does storytelling impact memory retention and learning?

How come I can remember all the important details in books I read for fun but can't remember the basic important ideas of my textbooks for school?

Look for the Reason: you either want something or you want to avoid something.

How come I can remember all the important details in books I read for fun but can't remember the basic important ideas of my textbooks for school?

How can I remember what I learn throughout a semester so that I don't have to study as much for exams?

Avoid the stress of exams: use Spaced Repetition

How can I remember what I learn throughout a semester so that I don't have to study as much for exams?

What are some foods that can improve memory power? How do they work on the body?

The following foods have been scientifically proven to have beneficial effects on the working brain and memory.

What are some foods that can improve memory power? How do they work on the body?

What are some strategies for continuous learning that can help us achieve our goals?

For continuous learning, you will need to use Spaced Repetition

What are some strategies for continuous learning that can help us achieve our goals?
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