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About W4W Podcasts

I’m Kathleen D'Oré and I have taught memory techniques for over 20 years.


The first series of podcasts demonstrates all five of the basic mnemonics: Journey, Linking and the three numerical mnemonics, Shape, Rhyming and The Major System.

The podcasts in Series 2 cover Spaced Repetition, the best ways to study and retain information, Mind Mapping and learning Word for Word.


I developed this method because, despite all the information available on mnemonics, I could never find anything on learning all the common words which are so important if you are trying to learn a speech. 


I went on to teach my method privately and to workshops including The Actors Centre, The Actors Guild, The Central School and Arts Ed. 

All this information is in my podcasts and this site includes transcripts and a Q&A section which answers the most frequently asked questions and where you can ask your own questions.

I am will also analyse specific texts for easier memorisation and there is a booking form if you wish to book a private consultation by Zoom singly or for a group.

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